Our Team

Three notable partners have collaborated in order to make ADHD360 happen…

The Second Method (TSM)

The Second Method develops interactive serious games and a range of products focused on cognitive training and rehabilitation.

The company has published three special education products about logotherapy targeting logopedists and also several educational mobile apps. The active R&D department is specialized in digital media accessibility methods and innovative science communication actions.

The Second Method has a number of links with research institutions, university departments and science education centers, such as Science Museums.

Medical Physics Lab (MEDPHYS)

The Laboratory of Medical Physics was founded within the Medical School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki back in 1964. It was the first medical physics laboratory in the Greek Higher Education. The mission of the Lab is to excel in training and multi-disciplinary research in a setting that fosters creativity and synergy.

The Laboratory is dedicated to training young doctors in the principles of physics, biomedical technology and their applications in the Health Sciences through the courses of Medical Physics and Biomedical Technology as well as Medical Education in the graduate programmes of the Faculty of Health Sciences.

The lab’s research groups have been recognized internationally for their research excellence (see publications) and have been funded by a wide spectrum of sources ranging from FP6, FP7, INTERREG, LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME, to national funds from the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, General Secretariat of Research and Technology and other national and international authorities.

Intelligent Systems Lab

The Intelligent Systems Laboratory was founded (initially as a research group) in 1990, back then as Logic Programming and Intelligent Systems (LPIS) group, and is part of the Knowledge, Data and Web Engineering Department of the School of Informatics at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

The lab’s research interests span a wide area of Artificial Intelligence, including Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Planning, Machine Learning, Data Mining, Logic Programming and the Semantic Web.

The lab is an active node of the Hellenic Society for Artificial Intelligence, and has organized the 2nd Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Thessaloniki in 2002, the 2nd International Summer School on AI Planning in Halkidiki in 2002, and the 9th Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Thessaloniki in 2016.

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